Potato Bake

Serves 6 Prep 20 min Cook 1.5 hr



  1. Peel and thinly slice potatoes.
  2. Preheat oven to 200C, grease baking dish (or use baking paper!).
  3. Fry bacon, onion and garlic for 4-5 min till golden brown (add a dash of water).
  4. Layer potatoes and onion mixture in baking dish.
  5. Whisk cream, milk, stock powder. Pour over potatoes.
  6. Cover in foil, and bake for 1.5hr or until potatoes are tender.
  7. Remove foil, sprinkle with cheese. Bake for another 15 min uncovered.


Need a baking dish around 24x24cm.

Original: Rayelene's Recipes